Thursday, January 24, 2013

“Jax Brew Bitch Buys Beer”

Who is “Rachael”? … actually, I don't know – that's why I asked … I see her all over my “neck of the woods” here in Jacksonville – her name, that is.  However, I really don't know much about her at all – but I DO know one thing for darn sure – she “Buys Houses”. The handwritten signs are strategically planted at intersections all over my part of town announcing “Rachael Buys Houses” with a phone number.

Hey Rachel! I got a house to sell ya ...
I have been wondering about the identity of “Rachael” for the past few weeks and yesterday, I realized I had grown to admire the signs – SINCE THEY WORK! … I think about them now without even driving by them. Simple and effective in their message – those wishing to rid themselves of a house have a direct and efficient way to try at least – with “Rachael”.

There is NO doubt “Rachael” solicits information from those contacting her about where they heard about her. You can bet your bottom dollar on this – that if the signs were NOT effective, they would no longer be around.

Why do I bring this up in my beer blog? … because ownership and management of brews and chews establishments around the Greater Jacksonville area SHOULD be soliciting information from their customers about what brought them in.

And WE, as customers loyal to the Brews and Chews scene in our community should provide feedback about what brought us in – print advertising, TV, radio or blogger post or announcement (*blush*).

We should provide this information even if we are not asked. Why? .. because whatever forum a business owner chooses to employ to get the word out about themselves or upcoming events and specials will cost them some amount of money – except for the blogger, of course..

Our purveyors need the feedback so that they have an idea of the effectiveness of their decisions  on venues. Jacksonvillians  don't want the owners wasting money needlessly which could be better spent improving their businesses and beer selections – especially in this economy.

It is my hope is that when you visit an establishment due to some print, TV or radio advertising, some particular review website or blogger that you will take the time and make the effort to seek out the manager and let them know. It's good for our community and helps our businesses stay more cost efficient.

My heartfelt appreciation to “Rachael” for using an effective marketing system and to all of you who have taken the time out of your day to visit my site and read my blog. Thank you all so very much for your continuing support.

And oh, by the way, if any of you have some great craft brews for sale which are not available around here, contact me because the “Jax Brew Bitch Buys Beer”.

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